
Inspirujeme studenty k podnikavosti

Michael Jasilewicz

= v programu od: 8. 4. 2024

= oslovených studentů: 0

= absolvovaných seminářů: 0

Čtyři otázky a odpovědi:

V čem je Vaše tajemství úspěchu?

Tenacity, education and believing in myself are the personal perspective. The exponentiator of success is partnership and a team of people with a common belief. Nothing great is done alone.

Vaše manažerské zásady?

Listen to understand, educate before decision, act decisively, delegate to others, train your replacement, be a part of a worthy cause. It really depends on the situation. Different circumstances require different management. Managing dozens of managers is different, than leading hundreds of employees. However, respecting the people that are helping build whatever you are doing is required in earning their respect. It's a two-way street.

Proč se zapojujete do programu MŮŽEŠ PODNIKAT?

I was once young and full of dreams. My family had few resources but were examples of responsibility and hard work. While the majority of the adults told me to choose a career I would have for the rest of my life, I was inspired by self-made business people that showed me another possibility. Trying to fit us all in the same box does not honor each human. I believe it's important that young people know there are options that may be more beneficial to who they are and what they desire.

Co byste doporučil(a) mladým lidem, kteří chtějí uspět?

Learn to listen to yourself and become aware of how to read your emotions. There are abilities that humans are capable of doing that aren't taught in the traditional sense. Once you understand how to do that, you can decide a path and begin moving forward. It takes diligent effort and work to be successful in doing anything. There's no easy street, and you will most likely change direction a few times. That's OK. No journey is a straight line. As long as you begin, the path will take you to where you are meant to go and there won't be a destination. The journey never ends. Choose a path, begin the journey and put in more than the required effort and you'll define your own version of success. It might be quite different from what you first believed.


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